All the Birds of the World – what people are saying

The arrival of All the Birds of the World has been widely celebrated by ornithologists, birders and nature lovers all over the world.
On this page we are gathering some of our favourite reactions that people have been sharing on social networks.

“When I got home, the long-awaited All the Birds of the World just published by Lynx Edicions was waiting for me and I promised to do something funny to receive it. 5 kilos of supreme quality ornithological vice await me”

“It’s here! What a marvelous publication. Thanks @lynxedicions for the hard work!”

“The great jewel has arrived! 🙌 “All the Birds of the World”, a marvel by @lynxedicions.”

“All the birds: 11,524 species of birds described, in a single book 📖
All the birds of the world 🌍
Thank you @lynxedicions
I’m going straight to the Dippers (5 species)”

“And in “All of the Birds of the World” we get to the Hummingbirds and my head explodes”

“Leafing through all the pages of the fabulous All the birds of the World one-by-one, I come to the long and painful section on extinct species.”

“There is no greater emotion: a book and with all the birds of the world !!!! excellent and wonderful work from my great friend Josep del Hoyo and the entire wonderful team at @lynxedicions. I hope to have time in my life to see some of these wonders.”

“We just got back from spending 8 fantastic days in the Strait [of Gibraltar] and this has greeted us at the office upon our arrival. We’ll be testing @SwarovskiOptik’s NL PUREs for the next two weeks. And, last but not least, “All the birds of the world” on the lectern!!! @lynxedicions”

“I just got it! I’ll have to watch out … because @lynxedicions has put all the birds of the world in this box! “All the Birds of the World” Thanks Lynx!”

“Day 15 of @30diasenbici this morning I went to the Post Office, by bicycle, of course, to pick up a birthday gift I bought myself. The book is wonderful. “All the birds in the world”.”

“Without a doubt a colossal work. Thank you #JosepdelHoyo @lynxedicions for making it possible. Fascination and restlessness to know that there are more than 11 thousand species of birds waiting to be seen…”

“Wonderful! @lynxedicions”

“The most spectacular work we’ve ever seen has just arrived at our home! We will need extra hours to enjoy it (and more with little kids running around the house). Thank you @lynxedicions for such a tremendous job!”

“I just got “All the Birds of the World”. The first impression is spectacular. Large format, magnificent illustrations, laminated separator included, QR codes for more information on the species … Hats off to the people at @lynxedicions”

“It’s here.
This is one of the best books I have ever had in my hands in my entire life. Thanks @lynxedicions.”

“Today is the BIGGEST day of my professional life. Imagine a young kid playing football, dreaming of playing for Barça one day, well that happened to me with @lynxedicions. Still, these are just some modest contributions to “The Bible”.”

“What @lynxedicions has done is an absolute work of art. All the birds of the world in one volume, with illustrations and distributions and … a QR code that takes you to the species page by @Team_eBird! What a gem! Thank you”

“Spectacular! It also arrived to me today, I was struck by how big and heavy it is, of course as a field guide it won’t work for us hahahaha. And as soon as I opened it, I found the cockatoo that excited Ortega Smith”

“Just received it. A great work with all the birds of the world. A combination between the classic book and the resources that the web gives us. Thanks to @lynxedicions and to everyone who has worked on it, as is the case of @AlexMascarell”

“Over 11500 species in one book: all the birds of the world, magnificently illustrated, with distribution and conservation status, as well as qr codes for further content. Just arrived and it’s beautiful! A huge number of species that I have never even heard of”

Oltre 11500 specie in un solo libro: tutti gli uccelli del mondo, magnificamente illustrati, con distribuzione e status…

Posted by Marco Colombo, Naturalista e fotografo on Tuesday, September 22, 2020



We are pleased to inform you that we have just received the first copies of All the Birds of…

Posted by Lynx Edicions on Thursday, September 3, 2020


“My new bible”


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Ma nouvelle bible Mi nueva biblia #allthebirdsoftheworld #handbookofthebirdsoftheworldalive #lynxeditions #birds #oiseaux #aves

Una publicación compartida de Yannis You (@yannis_you_) el